Proof Reading Servicez

Developed by Osama

Proofreading Servicez is a website development project that aimed to create a platform for students and authors to get professional editing and proofreading services. The website was developed on WordPress by Osama Arshad, a skilled web developer who understood the needs and requirements of the project.

The primary objective of the website was to offer editing and proofreading services that could cater to a wide range of customers, including students, authors, and businesses. To achieve this, the website was designed with a simple and user-friendly interface that allowed customers to navigate the site easily and find the services they need. The website also features a payment gateway that allows customers to make payments easily and securely.

Overall, Proofreading Servicez is a successful website development project that has helped students, authors, and businesses to get professional editing and proofreading services. Thanks to Osama Arshad’s expertise and skill, the website has become a valuable resource for people looking for high-quality editing and proofreading services.