Regency Lighting

Developed by Osama

Regency Lighting, a lighting and electric services company, approached web developer Osama Arshad to create a website that would not only showcase their products and services but also provide customers with an easy-to-use platform for purchasing and scheduling appointments.

Osama Arshad decided to build the website on WordPress due to its flexibility and user-friendly interface. He worked closely with Regency Lighting to develop a custom theme that matched their brand aesthetic and incorporated key features such as an online store, appointment booking system, and blog.

The result was a modern and functional website that has significantly increased Regency Lighting’s online presence and customer engagement. The online store has proven to be a particular success, with a significant increase in sales since its launch. Overall, the project has been a great success, and Osama Arshad continues to provide ongoing support and maintenance to ensure the website remains up-to-date and functional.